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Unlock Your Child's Potential Through Music!

Discover the Joy of Piano with Engaging Lessons Tailored for Kids

At Jackie Clark Music, we nurture creativity through fun piano lessons designed to inspire.

Piano for kids

Piano for kids was created to answer a need for parents who wish to provide piano lessons for their children at an economic cost.

They do not wish to take lessons that miss out music. They wish their children to learn to play the piano properly. With music, so children understand what they are playing.

Piano for kids was designed for these parents.

What is Piano for kids?

Young children are incredibly clever and pick up new things very quickly. After more than 30 years of teaching piano, I have seen very small children master the piano in a very short period many times. Children are amazing with their ability to absorb knowledge like a sponge. But the knowledge requires guidance or it is learned for nothing.

Children do not know that they can’t do things. They expect to be able to learn anything. Even five-year-olds enjoy learning to play the piano, although six-year-olds advance faster.

Piano for Kids is a fun course that teaches children to enjoy playing piano. Piano lessons should be complete and include everything a pianist needs to learn to play piano and read music. Understanding is the key to incredibly good piano playing. Knowing the correct notes to play in a song is good fun. Without understanding the notes, playing will be wooden and lack feeling.

The course follows a standard internationally recognized textbook, ensuring excellent results. Everything is taught correctly, with nothing left out. Once the course is completed, students can get the following textbook in the series to progress with their learning or take the next course. Play piano for kids 2: The follow-up will be available soon.


Delivery of the course is entrusted to Udemy who are one of the largest online education platforms. This ensures reliable delivery of the course 24 hours a day. They also offer a 30 day moneyback guarantee. They also provide 24 hours a day technical support.

Course support is provided by me personally.

Jackie Clark Music